Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Big Favour...  I Need Your Vote!
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Pages: 1 2 3 4
yea.. all the best
voted! :)

good luck!
Just did my vote,
Coooool!!! Done By the way!!!
Done! Good luck man
vote +1 from me :)  

would like to hear your set first rather than take your word that you can fulfill the job requirements, but hey..wee're all friends right.
voted, good luck fwend
Voted, good luck
Hey, a BIG thanks to all who have voted so far - not long to go now!

SchmilK Wrote:would like to hear your set first rather than take your word that you can fulfill the job requirements, but hey..wee're all friends right.

Will post a mix very soon - been trying to get trackmarks etc. all in the right places.  Should really have prepared this a bit better...

Thanks again guys, hope to find out the results tonight!
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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