Endless Paradigm

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I just won this HDD for my laptop. I got it from some online retailer, and I used an auction sniper, knocking $30 off the MSRP.

I know it's not the best by any means, but it is about mid-range.

Brand New Samsung 2.5" 320GB SATA 5400 8MB Laptop Harddrive  
    * MSRP: $109
    * Mfr Part Number: HM320JI
    * Capacity: 320 GB
    * Rotational Speed: 5400 rpm
    * Cache: 8 MB
    * Interface: SATA 150
    * Max. External Transfer Rate: 150 MB/s
    * Average Seek Time: 12 ms
    * Shock:
          o Operating: 325G @ 2ms
          o Non-operating: 1000G @ 1ms
    * Dimensions (WxDxH): 69.85 x 100 x 9.5 mm
    * Weight: 102 g

I needed more space for my Windows partition, and it was severely eating into my OS X partition, in which I need a lot space. I mean, I'm a Graphic Design/Illustration student, who also has about $200 worth of PC games he wants to play. AH NEEDZ MAH SPACE. And a 500GB 9mm laptop drive was waaaaaaaaaay out of my price range by almost $200.

Basically, after I install this, I'm gonna BootCamp the drive to have about 70GB for XP, and the rest for OS X. I mean, all of my Steam games at the moment total to about 35GB, give or take a few GB for downloaded multi-player maps, so there'll be extra space for all the other games I may want to install in the future, like Dead Space.

This'll also leave me with about 250GB on OS X, which will give me plenty of space for all of my movies and TV shows, and when I get a dSLR, hundreds of RAW files.

Life is good.
metalgear08 Wrote:Basically, after I install this, I'm gonna BootCamp the drive to have about 70GB for XP, and the rest for OS X. I mean, all of my Steam games at the moment total to about 35GB, give or take a few GB for downloaded multi-player maps, so there'll be extra space for all the other games I may want to install in the future, like Dead Space.

Looks pretty good, though i can't see the price, unless im blind

However, insta-fail for putting dead space over Multiwinia. Also, if you use Steam, look at Velvet assassin. Looks epic

unless you got it in a contest for free or a significantly low price
I still think you bought it.
metalgear08 Wrote:Life is good.

Did I just read that from you?
Seriously. When you get a dSLR, get an external HDD. And no need to always shoot RAW. I actually shoot jpeg only 99% of the time.

I find as long as you know what you do when you take the shot and how to process it properly and have a good workflow. jpeg is all good.even if you shoot RAW and have a bad workflow you can't get the image you want.
Sparker Wrote:
metalgear08 Wrote:Life is good.
Did I just read that from you?
Amazingly, you did.
roberth Wrote:Looks pretty good, though i can't see the price, unless im blind
However, insta-fail for putting dead space over Multiwinia. Also, if you use Steam, look at Velvet assassin. Looks epic
Added the price in the OP.
To be honest, the whole Darwinia thing isn't my style. I mean, I tried it, and I love the innovation and whatnot of it, it's just not fun for me. And Velvet Assassin looks awesome. Haven't seen too much of it, but what I have seen looks cool.
OH! Mirror's Edge is another game I am really looking forward to, and therefore one game I need to make space for Hihi
And Steam is my main game store ;)
diego Wrote:Seriously. When you get a dSLR, get an external HDD. And no need to always shoot RAW. I actually shoot jpeg only 99% of the time.

I find as long as you know what you do when you take the shot and how to process it properly and have a good workflow. jpeg is all good.even if you shoot RAW and have a bad workflow you can't get the image you want.
Well, the thing I like about RAW is that it's just that, raw. Meaning I can have my way with it, without losing any quality. It's uncompressed, and I can do whatever I feel like with it, whether it's HDR or something, then compress it to JPEG when I'm done. I dunno, you and I just have different methods :)

And Slushba, by "won" I mean I got it in an auction and didn't have to pay with a pound of my poor college student flesh. I got it discounted enough to be a good value for me.
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