I need a (preferably) free replacement for the standard XP alt-tab function. I have been using TaskSwitchXP Pro, but i would like to have one that has dynamic previews if its possible, as i find that's its a feature i use more and more on my Vista laptop (hovering over the taskbar to do a quick check XD). Im not 100% sure its possible on XP, but if anyone knows of anything that supports this i would be grateful
I can't remember what it was called, but there was one that basically gave XP Mac OS X's Expose feature, where all the windows are thumbnailed and you can click it to immediately bring it forward. I mean, it's obviously not the same, but I thought it was pretty damn cool.
...it is windows tab on vista...
I am computer illiterate on a mac.
...I don't know if they have a replacement though.
It is probably copyrighted or something...
so I don't know if other people are allowed to copy it.
There was a XP version of the Vista card shuffler thing. Wasn't free though. Lemme see if I can find the name...
EDIT: I think it's TopDesk.