Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Poll] How much time do you spend on anime (+related stuff) per day?
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[Image: Necropost.jpg]
I spend way to much time in front of my laptop, maybe i should decide to eventually get round to doing that weird thing they call sleeping XD
1-2 hours usually..


[Image: gd9au.jpg]
Sticky is stickied, therefore not old and no one should care I bump.

For me now, I say the time varies. during school maybe around 1-2 hours.
On holidays, >6 hours. In fact so far I've manage to spend a (few) whole day(s) on nothing but watching anime.
I watch 1-2 hours..mainly because my computer lags after a while....grrr!!
I wanted to say 8 hours. but there wasn't that choice, i read a lot of fan fics.
Well It depends on my schedule as I have many other things to do. But  I used to spend minimum 2-3 hours and if I am free then I used to spend 7-10 hours for Anime. As I love it..
changes depending on if i download the new releases or not

usually 1-2 hours
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