Endless Paradigm

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kick the goblin in the face and then do a back flip as soon as the goblin tries to whack you with  whatever he's trying to attack with, grab him and do a 3600 spin as fast as you can and lob in into the sky.
give him the sachel
Bump again
After rooting around in your bag for several moments, the goblin throws it down to the ground in disgust.
"What a load o' poo poo!" the creature grumbles.  "Trust me pal...I'm doing you a favour by not letting you cross this bridge.  Now go on back home to your mommy before I get angry..."  The Goblin fingers the blade of his knife with a restless look in its eye...
  • Take its advice and head back southward?
  • Duke it out with the little critter?
Take its advice.
Violence is never the answer.
Wolf Wrote:Violence is never the answer.


What if someone kidnapped your girlfriend and you had to punch a cow so they would give her back.
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