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Assassinator Wrote:
feinicks Wrote:* feinicks get ready to download loads of anime...

I'll be getting 2 250 GB HDD soon, devoted just for anime! I'm already out of free space..
SkyDX Wrote:I needz a new external HDD with extra 500GB...^^

Currently, I just burn DVDs.

But you guys probably have a lot more stuff than I do.

i can never manage DVDs.. at least in the HDD, it remains safe!
Assassinator Wrote:
feinicks Wrote:* feinicks get ready to download loads of anime...

I'll be getting 2 250 GB HDD soon, devoted just for anime! I'm already out of free space..
SkyDX Wrote:I needz a new external HDD with extra 500GB...^^

Currently, I just burn DVDs.

Ha. I had a 500 external but I'm without it for about another month or two. So that leaves me with the ever so dying space of 40 GB =\

I would burn them to DVDs as well but I don't have any DVD9s to put them on. 13 episodes of Myself, Yourself passed through ConvertXtoDVD is about 6 gigs or something.
Assassinator Wrote:
Kuu Wrote:lol. You're kidding right? I still have enough time to throw in 5 more if I want to!

I've watched about 25 from the spring/summer season, and I'm still waiting for others to air.

[Image: 2RKir]

2549 hours watched, this season will be just a drop in that pond.

You have way too much time.

I do, and that is on top of school, social life, and working almost 50 hours a week O_O
Kuu Wrote:
Assassinator Wrote:You have way too much time.

I do, and that is on top of school, social life, and working almost 50 hours a week O_O

School, and working 50hrs a week? Some sort of part time school?

Well, lets do a calculation.

There are 24 anime titles in that list you gave. Assume each title takes 25 minutes each week. That comes to a product of 600 minutes every week. Which is 10 hours. So slightly less than 1 and a half hour each day.

Not as much as I originally thought. I mainly based my comment on something Sensei said earlier. He picked up a large amount (not as much as you are planning to) of anime during one season, and he found it to be a bit too much. He doesn't go to school, and I don't think he works either (correct me if I'm wrong). So I must have had a warped impression in my mind of how much time it really does take.

But there will also be carry overs from the previous season, and I don't really know how many that's going to be exactly. And you probably also take time reading up on anime news, downloading anime, and other miscellaneous anime related things. So I estimate... you spend a few hours a day on anime?

Bah, you probably manage time way better than I do. I waste too much time reading up stuff on the net and doing other random stuff, and pretty much just idling.
... I watch anime about three to four hours a day with 8 hours of school, enough sleep and a social life :)
Approx. 4 hours a night if I'm in the mood, 2 if I'm tired.

Especially rosario vampire and other such sequals to the one I have allready seen...

but with homework and such I will probably have to watch on weekends only or else forfeit whatever time I already use to plan out my airship
Airship O_o

I want a ride when it's done!
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