Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The official Juan2320 appreciation Thread
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Im starting this thread so wee can thank Juan for all the quick psp news he gives us.
Yeah, thanks Juan for all the news.
Try to do all I can.(it's late here so see you later)
* ZiNgA BuRgA bows down to juan2320
Thanks I like that.
Amzter 21 GUN SALUTES juan2320
who is he again????
LOL Hahaha
^ Apparently born in 2320...  Well, that's what those numbers typically mean.

Damn time travel to hell.
yes I time travel back with a flying car.(next time you see a flying car that's me)
i tried waving last time i saw you, but you didn't see me. i was in the white corolla. <shrug>
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