Everywhere i look, gamers seem to be hating spore? What's going on, it looked so promising throughout development, and SCC is wicked fun...im scared now, if spore is bad, what is there to look forward to playing for this month. Mercenaries 2 was buggier than an ant nest, and Spore is set to be a flop. Of all the months to be a PC gamer...
*rolls in online addictiveness in despair
yeah, but i can't online DM forever, sometimes i want some single player action, and its severely lacking as i close in in the end of DMC4...
roberth Wrote:yeah, but i can't online DM forever, sometimes i want some single player action, and its severely lacking as i close in in the end of DMC4...
waste half a dozen hours with a campaign of Age of Empires/Rise of Nations?
No I am telling you straight. SPORE IS AWESOME!!!!! Seriously I love it!!!! Gamers always say they hate it because they want more. They never look at what is already there and appreciate it. Like GTA4, I loved that game and still do but some people say it is terrible.....they will love spore eventually. People say the don't like Fable 1 but some say they love it, and when Gears of War first came out people didn't like it either....
But I think spore is epic....
hows the security on it...is the DRM as bad as was feared?
yeah...reauthentication every time i apply a patch...i don't want to talk to EA that much
Still, it does look tempting...but...im torn
The good thing is that if a friend of yours has got the game you can install their version on your computer and you can play. Which mean you get it for free!! That's what I'm gonna try and do right now...
MehHakker Wrote:Like GTA4, I loved that game and still do but some people say it is terrible....
......... what?