Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW # 54 -- Elements
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Pages: 1 2 3
Congrats to pyro for winning the ALL STAR!

now for this week the theme shall be... elements

Physical elements.


or any combination of them

Ready, set, GO!
ummm..wheres love?

geez, make it physical elements.
hmm... this is a good theme!
Element Graphics, Senseito?
cool ill enter this week :D
feinicks Wrote:hmm... this is a good theme!


* boogschd will eNTERZ
Kaiser Wrote:Dotdotdot

geez, make it physical elements.
lol, ^^
captain planet!
he's our hero,
gonna take pollution down to zero!
Chaoticgamer Wrote:ummm..wheres love?

you mean heart
[Image: captain-planet-tom-cruise-ted-turner.jpg]

I expect to see at least one captain planet sig.
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