Endless Paradigm

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wee humans and the earth are basically a result of a controlled experiment? like how wee have so many other controlled environment experiments in our labs....
I've thought about this... maybe wee're the playthings of God.

(oh jeez, here wee go...)

i believe in the big bang and  all that, but what i don't believe it that it all just happened by itself. i think that there is a higher power that one day got bored, and so decided to make a universe.  and over time (made that too) shaped it and influenced it into being what it is today. One of my favourite time wasters is thinking about Darwin's theory of evolution. he was certainly onto something but  i don't think he quite finished it, he only explained half of the story. i think that  something else influenced life into being how it is today; so perfectly balanced and adapted to the universe around it...

also, lab in a lab. makes my head hurt. what if the controlled experiment that  wee are maybe a part of is also part of a controlled experiment...
Pinky and the Brain.
its a feasible thought. Just look at all the "wonders"... they are a little to perfect..
Dance monkeys, DANCE!
Well god created us, who created god

And who created the being who created god
And who created him

Someone, somewhere must have just poofed out of no where, so why couldnt it be us
hehe our minds do not have the power or understanding to come up with even resonable explanations. Sure the big bang may have happened but what caused it, and then what caused that,...and on and on. Surely there would have to be something that is "un"-caused. Something that has always been and always has. This is the something that scientists do not think of but religious people only think of.

blah blah,..anyone could babble on

What interests me more then all this is our minds. It is our minds that are the most powerful things ever,..without a mind or thought, the universe would be "truly" empty.
Gurren Lagann
Interesting point of view.
Ive thought about this as well.

I like to think of it, like... The Sims.

Wee are all being controlled and moved around.
Testing limits and boundarys... Who really knows though.

Pretty scary if you think about it to long though.


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