Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Bleach: The Diamond Dust Rebellion
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DVD is finally out and available for download/stream. Subbing groups are beginning to sub the RAW so I heard. Been waiting for this actually.
fudge yeah!!!!!
Yay, another bleach movie!!

(why did you write seaking squee?)
Jaze Wrote:Yay, another bleach movie!!

(why did you write seaking squee?)

idk, maybe he's looking for it?
I hope a quality group picks it up... I don't really want to see a DB version...
no news about them subbing on their site so far. Need a good subbing group to do justice to the movie.
OMFG!!! FINALLY! Been waiting anxiously for any news.. This has taken far too long. Hope wee get an excellent quality.

I really think that learning proper Japanese will be worth it!
I got the last one from DB and it was ok. I'll get this one from them too. XD
their subbing is ok, they're just a-holes who knows whether they would release a troll instead. It's funny due tot the feedback yet at the same time really unprofessional.
Jaze Wrote:Yay, another bleach movie!!

(why did you write seaking squee?)


Source: YouTube

I hope you learn something from that video
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