what is the original format of the e-book?
I'm sure if you look around there will be programs that can convert it into a series of JPEG images for viewing in the image viewer, or maybe into a html file for viewing in the web browser. i would look now but, to be honest, i really can't be bothered...
akide Wrote:i want make ebook-magazine.
total 43 pages, all files 480x272.
i want to make 1 e-book but how?
dopdf is good program but it is make 43 files.
i want 1 ebook.
help please.
You may try to copy and paste you images into MS Word then save the file as htm or html file. Then launch it on web browser. That's what I do. I know there's also an application to read pdf file on psp, so all you have to do is convert your images to pdf format.
thanks my friends for answer...
pspkiller: what is the original format of the e-book? orginal format= 480x272.jpeg
im not understand html ? example please screenshoot please.
he wants pics to pdf i believe, but each pic makes its own ebook
I know Acrobat Professional can merge image files into a PDF, but it isn't a free application.
My brother recommended me to use this
PDF Printer. I’m totally satisfied with it.