Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Infinite Undiscovery worth a buy?
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Hey guys, what do you all think, is it worth it?
It's coming out here tomorrow and I'm undecided as I heard mixed things of it.
I don't really care about reviews, one of my favorite games got a pretty low score on IGN, it's just 60€ is not a small amount of money to waste...

(And please no "Buy Tales of Vesperia" Comments or else... Try It's not coming out here till 2009.....)
i am looking forward for this... will be one of the games I buy when I buy a console... though haven't looked at gameplay vids in that depth.

IT has an overall score of 7.5 (not IGN), which is pretty decent for games nowadays... I am interested in the story, but yeah, you don't want to part with 60€ and realise its a poo poo game. Better wait for reviews from people who have played it...
i was tracking this game for a while... but i don't have have a X360 yet so... ha ha...

I'm going to try and play it though.
I'm a tri-Ace fanboy.

My answer is quite biased.
Meh I just called my local store and they said there was one IU box left... I'm going to pick it up. I hardly was ever wrong with buying games, except for GTA 4 and a few others <_<. Even Iggy's Reckin Balls for N64 turned out to be an awesome party game back in the old days^^
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