Endless Paradigm

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What is the point of one?
does it really matter if I guess or not?
as long as I have a good investigative question, the hypothesis is useless.
There would be no other point than proving myself correct or wrong.

can I not simply prove something?
the hypothesis is nothing more than a theory, a possibility.
they are used to help you understand past events, something that cannot be proved at this time, despite the evidences.
Slushba132 Wrote:can I not simply prove something?

to prove something, you'd have to either make assumptions that some situations suit you or people. This assumption itself renders a hypothesis.

The hypothesis of hypothesis is that there can be no hypothesis without assumptions. Hence there will always be a wrong hypothesis (the one which will get rejecyed) and a correct hypothesis (one which gets accepted.)
I don't assume anything.

I would like to figure out whether people lived longer before or after 1950.
There is no guesses or anything other than a statement.
you could refer to statistic or talk to people who were born before 1950.
Make a hypothesis to why wee make hypothesis.

Hypothesis on Hypothesis For Hypothesis Wrote:In event of a thought or an doubt regarding why a hypothesis exist, there will always be a hypothesis for why the hypothesis was made.

or something like that.
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