Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [WIP] Orbit: MehHakker's first theme :)
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OK here be the screenies...

I have aloooooot of work to do on this as most of the icons are missing :/ and as you can see the is a black line around the memstick icon......I am a n00b....

[Image: screenshot001.jpg]
[Image: screenshot002.jpg]
[Image: screenshot003.jpg]

I also need to do the battery, volume and fix the date :/ and I don't like where the text is so I'll move that aswell.....


C&C :)

great to see you on a new project dude!

looking good so far ~ yeah fix those things, the icons look cool too ^^
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Thanks guys :)

Does anyone think it would look better without main icon text?
Nice! looks good ! i can see you have been busy,. :)

have you entered SOTW52 yet!? 
:) Thanks V1

Woops I haven't yet :/ better finish making it...
smaller font for the text i suppose? :D
would it be possible to get rid of the text underneath the icon and replace it with the text on the right?

I think that'd look cool :<
Senseito Sakura Wrote:would it be possible to get rid of the text underneath the icon and replace it with the text on the right?

I think that'd look cool :<

Could you edit one of the screenies to show me what you mean? :P

i think he means, say erase video, and place it where the mem stick info is
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