Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [WIP] Orbit: MehHakker's first theme :)
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Pages: 1 2
Ah ok sounds cool...I'll try....still get the hang of hexing...
You can either add lines in the top_menu_plugin.rco to move them. The Memory Stick text however cannot be moved using this method unless you edit the space above line offset in the paf. That would mean the settings in system settings like umd autostart would also move up the same amount of space as well. What you can do is delete the memory stick text in the text data in the top_menu_plugin like you would with the main text. Change the free space one text to memory stick instead and then you can move it as much as you want. Try one of my themes and you'll get an idea of what I mean. ;)
I believe in you!!!
Looks sweet are the icon 32bit bmp? If not make em.
osnap1584 Wrote:You can either add lines in the top_menu_plugin.rco to move them. The Memory Stick text however cannot be moved using this method unless you edit the space above line offset in the paf. That would mean the settings in system settings like umd autostart would also move up the same amount of space as well. What you can do is delete the memory stick text in the text data in the top_menu_plugin like you would with the main text. Change the free space one text to memory stick instead and then you can move it as much as you want. Try one of my themes and you'll get an idea of what I mean. ;)
Cheers for the info :)

Hellgiver Wrote:I believe in you!!!
lol thanks XD

Follower Wrote:Looks sweet are the icon 32bit bmp? If not make em.
Woops no they aren't :/ I shall do that!!
Pages: 1 2
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