Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Today in Class 5-2 (Kyou no Go no Ni)
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I mean I don't have much to say here, it is famed for its comedy and fanservice - but the real reason I made the thread is because it looks like it's getting..........

A full TV series!?

I can't really make out much concerning it, but heres a couple of links:



Oh lawd, this is gonna be so great. Madwin
lol. I knew about this a while ago. Looks win Madwin

This and Kodomo no Jikan will keep my loli needs in check.... which I don't watch any loli except for those 2, so I guess filling my needs is quite easy O_o
Kuu Wrote:lol. I knew about this a while ago. Looks win Madwin

This and Kodomo no Jikan will keep my loli needs in check.... which I don't watch any loli except for those 2, so I guess filling my needs is quite easy O_o

I watched this before.
I thought most of it was hilarious.

Never watched or heard this before. Going to check it out now.

good anime, and i didnt know it was going to have a tv licence! i can't wait, and hope it lives up to the orignial anime.
yea... looking forward to it!
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