Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Feminine sig.
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[Image: elfsigdH.png]

EDIT: I spelled feminine wrong...
i like it.. just needs work on lighting and seems a little dull.
you should head her head go over the sig  ^^
She's beautiful!

The sig could probably use some contrast somewhere...
it's very... pink.
This is pretty good. All I can say is to spice up the text a bit.
i dnt like it... sorry
Senseito Sakura Wrote:you should head her head go over the sig  ^^

Even though I had to read Senseito's post thrice I agree with what he said. I like the sig, tis prettyMadwin
Senseito Sakura Wrote:you should head her head go over the sig  ^^

I claim all rights to the Borderless border...
No scan lines!!! Nanana
but everything els is good Madwin
oh yeah, make sig canvas bigger so render isn't chopped off
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