Endless Paradigm

Full Version: another new sig
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Pages: 1 2
made this for someone on another site but i really like the outcome

[Image: Stonesour.png]
[Image: Stonesour.png]
[Image: Stonesour1.png]
[Image: Stonesour2.png]
[Image: Stonesour3.png]

Ava - good.
Sig -ehhhhhhh not really. Too bright behind him/
i like the brightness behind him.

i give it a "A" with a couple gold stars

quite a interesting render as well.
thanks shady :D
the render needs more work. its not been cut properly. blur it as if the light source is behind him, then his edges will not be so sharp.
Avatar is wicked.

Sig - well - the guy has been sharpened enough to be a cut out.
i didnt make the render
that doesn't matter... just blur the edges of the render... then its a really awesome sig!
I'm with Diego on this. I like it, just not the brightness and the choppy render edges.
ok well im really bored so ill have a v2 up in a few minutes :D

EDIT:v2 is up i blended render edges and changed light source >.< i forgot to change his color will update in v3

EDIT EDIT: V3 is also now up
Pages: 1 2
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