Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Ep The Abridged Series
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Pages: 1 2
[Image: Epcondensed.png]

so does anyone actually use that feature or is it sort of there for looks?
Its for Nyu
ive used it in the past, but generally i think its for aesthetic than functional
Flash in the Pantsu?
It's some guys blog.
He talk about anime conventions and such...
One in Malaysia that I will never see

I'm surprised you didn't point the anime fanservice image gallery
Slushba132 Wrote:It's some guys blog.
He talk about anime conventions and such...
One in Malaysia that I will never see

I'm surprised you didn't point the anime fanservice image gallery

I don't look at everything
nah, i noticed that, but i felt that was beyond mentioning...
Ohh...also, moved to random insanity.

This belongs in the Endless paradigm why...
Mainly because that feature is attached to the main index of the site known as "Endless Paradigm", but feel free to move it at your discretion.
Oh, don't worry, i already did
Pages: 1 2
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