Endless Paradigm

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Anyone know any other good ones that are free.
I just recently started playing Pokemon World, and I want more games to play online.

Last Chaos...
I played it for a while and it was pretty good.
Just not enough people.
knightonline is fun
also MU online
and runescape kinda
Disney's POC online is terrible
it was also the only one i have ever played, so...
nop, I also played one some while ago, but i don't remember it's name, i only know it featured sword fights, gun fights, and it looked a lot like hellgate
I play runescape everyday and you don;t have to download anything for it
Slushba132 Wrote:I play runescape everyday and you don;t have to download anything for it

mm, add Yoshida_iX
i go in every once in awhile

also ragnarok is fun :D
anthem RO for the win!
I started playing Runescape for a couple of hours. It reminds me of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Apart from being point and click as opposed to complete free roaming

Still, i got to admit, RS is fun if you know some peeps to play with
when I told you I was playing you said something along the lines of
Whatever respect I had for you, it was all lost right there
no, it was actually

"if i had any respect for you, it would have been lost right there"

However,i like Lakiya, and do have fond memories of me and our little group (wee were never a clan, but may as wqell have been) going PKing and killing the traitor who started on my mate
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