Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Beatmania Sig!
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Please share your opinions!
[Image: 2790061759_33ed5df696.jpg]
nice but for some reason your sigs seem too big to me
Yeah, I think that too. It's a bit to big, but it still looks nice! Really yellow, but still nice!
Ok, how about this?

[Image: 2791173611_c61dce2061.jpg]
that looks good don't it :D

though.. i can only read "dhap-"
boogschd Wrote:that looks good don't it :D

though.. i can only read "dhap-"

I kinda purposely did that, so it only was to suppose to read "dH" to the untrained eye...
I only saw the text when you mentioned it- lol.

Very interesting concept, works well.
I like it. It all fit together perfectly! Plus yellow is my fav colour!Madwin
Thanks for the comments everyone! Hopefully I'll get better with practice.
I like it, looks great.
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