For this weekend, you can download and play TF2 Free if you don't alreay own it. SO get it now, and wee can have a huge match over the weekend!!!!
Steam Wrote:Pre-load Now
From August 22 - 24 play the FULL GAME for free!
1. Install Steam > 2. Create an account > 3. Play TF2 for free
Wait so I will play but let me ask if you can download it this weekend and play AFTER this weekend.
Is this possible? If so I will be so happy.
diego Wrote:Wait so I will play but let me ask if you can download it this weekend and play AFTER this weekend.
Is this possible? If so I will be so happy.
I doubt it, i expectthe game will just be deactivated on your account at the end of the weekend (well, unless you pay obviously)
if you want to frag me, do it on S4League
well im pre-dowloading i for tomorrow its 11% XD
im usually playing on, though i been on TBR's recently since modme has been a bit dead :S
Will kill you all (or more likely get killed :P) so join us!
94% done
dammit i need a private server
Diego, even though it won't likely stay on your account, it's SO worth buying. It has to be one of the greatest multiplayer games ever made imo.
Also, I can't wait for the influx of easy-to-kill newbs. BRING IT ON BITCHES!!!!
I know, t'will be an awesome weekend
Also, has anyone else just been given a guest pass for TF2 as well??