Endless Paradigm

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Slushba132 Wrote:I've got a great idea.
Convince your mom this is an opportunity to get out of her house and get laid.

She won't mind. She will think of it as a way she won't have to spen anymore money on you.

"lose your virginity/get laid, become independent"

is this what your trying to say?
if it is, then...

note: *wth are you asking for advices to complete strangers?*

on topic:
if i were you wouldn't go, but since I'm not, i will encourage you to go in that crazy adventure off yours
but at least tell her were you're going
you can always use the awesome excuse of "friends from school/work"

or unless your mom checks on your daily life and knows all you freinds Ahhyes
has your mum meet your Girl-freind?
If not id probley say get her to meet her first
Then ask your mum if its okay if you can go with her to that place :)
I say don't think about spoon.
Instinct is the way to go.
Thanks for all the replys, it would be very difficult to make my mum meet her R!KKU... If it would be just her I would go straight away, it's just all the other people that make me nervous... my mind says it's wrong and dangerous to go, my feelings says "go meet her"... well I have like 30 hours to decide.....
some guy from some movie said it best
"Life's a risk holmes"
do eet and woteva happens always be on the up n up, if your mom finds out its k, its not the end of the world, and besides you have an ulterior motive, you like the girl, so go and see if she's "the one"
also don't be afraid of meeting strangers, its true that its dangerous, but you have to meet and talk with strangers all the time in the real world, its a good head-start on a good social life, wether you meet them and have automatic beef or meet them and like each other its got to happen sometime, you can't be locked up all your life.
By the way i don't believe in "the one"
Thanks beaner, your post really build me up a bit..... If they only wouldn't show that much "Teenager get killed by so called friends" and "Big car accident on the highway" in the news..... Anyone remember that girl who was beaten up and filmed by her "friends"? Yeah sure you always say "that can't happen to me" but everyone says that....  Don't get me wrong, I don't remotely think she would do something like that but I don't know about the others... There are that crazy people who murder others for fun, excitement or whatever...
SkyDX Wrote:Thanks beaner, your post really build me up a bit..... If they only wouldn't show that much "Teenager get killed by so called friends" and "Big car accident on the highway" in the news..... Anyone remember that girl who was beaten up and filmed by her "friends"? Yeah sure you always say "that can't happen to me" but everyone says that....  Don't get me wrong, I don't remotely think she would do something like that but I don't know about the others... There are that crazy people who murder others for fun, excitement or whatever...

the news has nothing better to report on.

it exists to scare society.
great now the whole thing suddenly costs 90€ where I expected something like 50 from our previous chats... god that whole thing grows over my head.... Sadist

fudge I wish I never would have been part of that PSX board... then I would have never seen that dammed P-Server advertisement, never played there and never would have met her.... Now I have (maybe) fallen in love with a girl I never met which I dumped everytime in the past because it's damn hard for me to visit her... because of that I have a guilty conscience and therefore don't want to hurt her again in this case because I think I really love her....
now that weekend trip becomes more and more impossible.....

god I wish she would find this thread by accident somehow by herself so she knows about that all.... if I would just tell her all that directly it would sound again like a lame excuse....
Well, if you can't really go, one way to think of things is to try and get her to come to you...

By the way, are you ever planning on moving out soon, or want to stay living with parents for a while?
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