20/08/2008, 11:33 AM
![[Image: j0ii5l.gif]](http://i35.tinypic.com/j0ii5l.gif)
PlayStation3 homebrew seems to be picking up some tempo. A Japanese coder recently released a NES emulator for the console using BD-J. Aside from being an emulator, the program also acts as a filer that displays certain kinds of images (PNG, GIF, JPG).
Check out our forums for more information on the program courtesy of Cooguy1212. The forum thread is linked below. Anyhow, here's a video of the homebrew in action, playing the classic of classics in video gaming, Super Mario Bros.
Source: YouTube
![[Image: j0ii5l.gif]](http://i35.tinypic.com/j0ii5l.gif)
PlayStation3 homebrew seems to be picking up some tempo. A Japanese coder recently released a NES emulator for the console using BD-J. Aside from being an emulator, the program also acts as a filer that displays certain kinds of images (PNG, GIF, JPG).
Check out our forums for more information on the program courtesy of Cooguy1212. The forum thread is linked below. Anyhow, here's a video of the homebrew in action, playing the classic of classics in video gaming, Super Mario Bros.
Here are instructions for how to install the homebrew, with instructions, thanks to Cooguy1212. Download link below.
1. Extract the the AVCHD folder in the compressed file to the main root of a USB device or memory stick
2. Place the roms you would like to play into the AVCHD you have just extracted to the root
3. Go to the Video section in the XMB on your PS3
4. You will need to click the USB or memory stick you have chosen
5. Select the BD-J homebrew game
6. Next, you will be brought to a file viewer in which, you may choose roms.
7. Now the game will start. Press the triangle button then go to the numeric pad
8. The 1 on the pad stands for select and the 2 acts as start
9. You may now press triangle and enjoy the game
Source: YouTube
A Japanese programmer, has coded a working NES emulator for the PlayStation 3 using the built in Blu-Ray BD-J. Not much information is known on the creator of the emulator, the app is promising.
Here's a translation of what the dev said:
Quote:PS3 NES EMYU move. Let's get TOITA.
PS3 has a Blu-Ray BD-J for moves like JAVA. It is an experiment in pleasure as most of EMYU applet NES tried to transplant. I managed to more than 60 FPS. But too little button can be used for the practicality of not….
Let's put TOKIMASU. USB memory, please put the start.
Days later the emulator was updated. Changes in the update were unnoticeable but the dev once again added their words:
Quote:EMYU PS3 for the continuation of NES.
あまりにもやっつけだったので、一応普通にプレイできるくらいにはしときました。もやっbecause it was so, but common enough to play in the TOKIMA****A.
ROMフォルダにつっこんだROMを動作させることができます。 TSUKKONDA ROM ROM folder to work out.
The controls are simple; use either the left analog or the d-pad. The square button for "B" and the x button for "A". For start and select, simply press triangle to bring up the PS3's video options menu and then press 1 for select and 2 for the start button. Pressing 3 will return you to the rom-list selection menu and 4 will toggle between different frameskip options.
To install first copy your NES roms into the folder named "Roms" then simply copy the AVCHD folder into the root of a storage device, like a memory stick(PSP) or a USB stick. Then go over to the video section on your XMB and press X on the said device. Then once inside you'll see what appears to be a video called "AVCHD". Run it and there you go.
Sloppy translations aside, this application works really great and has been tested by yours truly. Although the emulator does not have working sound for games and isn't in fullscreen display, its a great sign of the PS3 homebrew scene expanding. Hopefully in the future wee can see an update to this emulator with working sound and fullscreen capability. The download link is below which includes the newest version of the emulator, enjoy!
Please note that all roms may not work.
アプリ置き場@PC [via] PS3HAX.net