Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I am getting an xbox360 today
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Please tell me your gamertags, or direct me to a thread like such, please :)
I am going to buy gta4 for now (the only reason im getting an xbox) but ill prob end up getting more games, also all my Japanese friends have an xbox360, its the most poplular in japan right now, prob cause of the price.
isn't GTA4 also available on PS3?
I Strain I

My gt if you want to add me.
"The Magyar"    

you know you love me
my gamertag is MetalGear08, of course Hihi

but I don't pay for live.
Silver only
Get COD4!

I want 360 xD
Hmmmm.  I would buy a PS3 or a Wii...

  (I've bought both :p)
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