Endless Paradigm

Full Version: weird/suspicious(?) icon in control panel
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Pages: 1 2 3
hellobonacua Wrote:just  happened to me last time just restart your pc and it will be fine

by the way it works for me

i have it for quite sometime now...
(and i turn my pc off every night)
Download this:


Install it

When it's done installing, right click the icon and click the Unlocker option. Then, just follow with it to delete it.
doesn't work...

i alredy have that installed :)
boogschd Wrote:doesn't work...

i alredy have that installed :)

Lol, what error does it give? When you try to delete with Unlocker?
eyronn Wrote:
boogschd Wrote:doesn't work...

i alredy have that installed :)

Lol, what error does it give? When you try to delete with Unlocker?

actualliez... it doesn't show up in unlocker

if you look at my first post youll see that it doesn't have the unlocker sub-context menu :p
Oh I See

I don't know what to tell you

Actually, I do












Format your HD, is your last resort
seems a bit desperate considering its harmless
roberth Wrote:seems a bit desperate considering its harmless

lol ya that's wat i was thinkin...
patrck_744 Wrote:Format your HD, is your last resort

ah, the noob's way out of everythintg
Pages: 1 2 3
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