Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My SOTW entry
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Pages: 1 2
[Image: Beauty-1.png].............................v2 [Image: Beauty-2.png]


[Image: Beauty_in_the_Beholder__s_Eye_by_feinicks.png]

this is most likely the final piece...
blend in the text? ..

white borders? will be fail :D
hmm... let me see...
how's that? I want it to be like a poster...
i can't decide which is better cause they look completely different with just the boarder change but i still like them both
. fix lighting!!
i like it, just not the borders and text.
Pyro Wrote:i like it, just not the borders and text.
rockhead Wrote:
Pyro Wrote:i like it, just not the borders and text.
Senseito Sakura Wrote:
rockhead Wrote:
Pyro Wrote:i like it, just not the borders and text.
Pages: 1 2
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