Endless Paradigm

Full Version: {WIP} dMONO V2 (QJ+EP Exclusive)
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Pages: 1 2 3
Looks Sick!

Can't wait till it's done.
Like to try it out myself but the link re-direct me to g.com / problem loading site error. Anyway, hope to have this on my PSP when you release it. Keep it up.
Hmm well if you still need suggestions for battery bar I posted this on CPSP not sure if you saw it though, so ill post if for you here :):

[Image: 2ut0lcj.png]

I quite like it :)
If you don't like the light, bring more.

Looks great though
new suggestion

fit the clock inside the box just above where the sub-text is
Awesome theme!

Just a question: are you still working on Boxy?
maxexcloo Wrote:Awesome theme!

Just a question: are you still working on Boxy?

...If I said not entirely, would you be mad???Ahhyes
hmm...hmmmmmm..... just waitin' for full version.. hope you'll add the flash 0 version^^ ctf manager does not work on my pc....
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