I have 1GB, and I don't think I really have enough.
Considering some people have 4GB of RAM, do you use all your RAM?
My main notebook has 2GB and I do fully use it.
Specially things like firefox which with the right plugins uses alone
over 100MB memory.
My PC has 4GB with WinXP64 and I use about 40% for system + apps
The rest I use for ramdisc(s) which have insane read/write speeds.
2Gb i have now ,and im using XP ,and i can tell you it works sometimes with 1.3GB used phisical ram.
But i use my pc mainly to encode files ,and yeah more ram is better. that's my opinion.
2gb on laptop and 2gb on 64bitpc
i know someone who uses 8gb !!!!!!!!!
squee666 Wrote:i know someone who uses 8gb !!!!!!!!!
Does he run a server? (servers suck RAM)
3GB, Vista uses it very well cause it works very well :3
i needz 2 more! also need a new cooler if i recode vids with xvid4psp with quad cpu my pc goes haywire,..
I find I don't really need any more than that.
Playing some games takes a bit of RAM, compressing stuff takes RAM (7zip, crank up settings), encoding stuff takes RAM. Otherwise I never use to close to that much RAM.
I find that I really need a faster CPU though.
4GB on my laptop, use like 50% with all i use opened >_>
i have 4gb of ram on my laptop, but since i have vista most of it is stored to be used