A New Zealand couple apparently named their son "Superman". 4Real. Actually, 4Real was their 1st choice, but the government registry rejected the name because it contained a digit. Elsewhere, a Chinese couple clashed with their government when they tried to give their baby this moniker "@".
Funnily enough, some celebrities have already followed suit. Ex:
Audio Science (son of actress Shannyn Sonnamon)
Bluebell Madonna (daughter of Spice Girl Geri Halliwell)
Daisy Boo (daughter of chef Jamie Oliver)
Pilot Inspektor (son of actor Jason Lee)
Heavenly Hirani Tiger Lily (daughter of TV host Paula Yates)
God'Iss Love Stone (Daughter of singer Lil' Mo)
Jermajesty (son of singer Jermain Jackson)
this is in this monts issue of Reader's digest... dunno the authenticity ('cept the Chinese couple story). But lolz nonetheless!
"Superman:. 4Real. Actually, 4Real was their 1st choice, but the government registry rejected the name because it contained a digit. Elsewhere, a Chinese couple clashed with their government when they tried to give their baby this moniker"
that's one hell of a name.
You might want to actually pay attention to where you put the quotes.
quotes tell us things that no other punctuation mark can.
Except the apostrophe because inside of quotes, The apostrophe acts like a quote.
Like in javascript where the apostrophe is actually \' so that you don't screw with the code.
I'd hate to have names like that. Parents like those never give their kid a chance...
At least it isn't Gaylor Focker...
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I'd hate to have names like that. Parents like those never give their kid a chance...
At least it isn't Gaylor Focker...
Isn't it Gaylord Focker?
in iceland parents have to name their childeren from a list of goernment approved names. this is because in iceland, childrens second (surname) is taken from their father's name, with 'son' added to the end if the child is male and 'dottir' added to the end if the child is female. for example, my icelandic friend is called Àsi and his father is called Herman, so my icelandic friend is called Àsi Hermanson. and if his brother were in fact a sister he/she would be called Hjortur Hermansdottir. the whole government approved business is because if somewone is named stupidly then that name lasts for 2 generations and not just one.
i suppose its a reasonalbe idea but eventually, unless its a massive list people are going to get bored of the names, as said celebrities and chiniese couple above have done.
p.s. i just read over that and it seems I've explained it in such a convulted way that it doesn't even make sense to me... hopefully the people of EP-dom can decifer it...
PSPkiller Wrote:in iceland parents have to name their childeren from a list of goernment approved names. this is because in iceland, childrens second (surname) is taken from their father's name, with 'son' added to the end if the child is male and 'dottir' added to the end if the child is female. for example, my icelandic friend is called Àsi and his father is called Herman, so my icelandic friend is called Àsi Hermanson. and if his brother were in fact a sister he/she would be called Hjortur Hermansdottir. the whole government approved business is because if somewone is named stupidly then that name lasts for 2 generations and not just one.
i suppose its a reasonalbe idea but eventually, unless its a massive list people are going to get bored of the names, as said celebrities and chiniese couple above have done.
p.s. i just read over that and it seems I've explained it in such a convulted way that it doesn't even make sense to me... hopefully the people of EP-dom can decifer it...
Made sense to me.....but then again I am lean

I'd rather have an original name like that.
At least if your were famous or something, they would know you were the original.
You did it first.
I would put that little star symbol in my kids name
☆ Looks better at original size "☆"
✵ < something like that might be cool too (hard to write in a hurry (that never stopped my parents from combining their impossibly long names though))
Now I'm off to find baby names with the word "star" in them
also why do wee have all these useless unicode characters