Endless Paradigm

Full Version: bak... again =]
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i finnally found a way to get bak on this site, cause for sum reason my internet says "page cannot be displayed". i tried alot of diffrent ways to get on but i get the same message. then i just went to kproxy.com and typed in the address and i can get on! anyways im happy to be back and gonna be on almost every day again =]

by the way, i like the snow theme :great:
Weird. :(
That's never happend to me.
i was thinking it was my ip address cause i brang my laptop to my friends house and i can access it there. and both of my computers is using the same internet and they both can't go on it =[
Do you have some sort of internet control?  Or are you using, like, school/Uni/work's internet?

It's probably blocked by a proxy...
wait wait i had the same thing when i was in china
using my dads work laptop

r u in the PRC?
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