Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
I R B back from my holidays now :D

A week in sunny spain, get home to find out that its predicted rain until the end of August...ugh

Still, nothing worse than going on holiday from crappy old Britain and finding out they had as good weather as us, so the rain is good in that sense i suppose

Anyway, im back. Hello
Welcome back roberth
i´m still in spain...... yay!!!!!!!!!!! iz good cept for ze hangovers......
zllaBoYoY Wrote:Welcome back roberth
whar in spain?
YAY!!!!!!! Hellooooo!!!!
hey welcome back!!!
MehHakker Wrote:YAY!!!!!!! Hellooooo!!!!
Where have you been,. Spain! o that's ok! ;)

i like england! i rather go to England then Spain,. but you live in England,. urggg,. ok,.. well i still rather go to England then Spain,.

am i boring you already,.? Itchingsmile
Pages: 1 2
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