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who was the better Joker? Heath or Jack?

here is a vid by the by featuring both..
Source: YouTube

[Image: large_batman-the-joker-d3xjfbwm.jpg&...i3H-upcOYA]

[Image: thejoker-431x300.jpg]
both jokers fit good in each movie,.

i like both movies,. the one with jack Nicholson i like the the city more,.. unlike the new movie with more normal city look,..

guess they are 2 completely different batman movies,.. but def Heath Ledger is the better joker!!
i would reply but your font is so fucking annoying i don't bother reading your posts
squee666 Wrote:i would reply but your fon is so fucking annoying i don't bother reading your posts

uh squee,.. whots a fon!?

EDIT: a i see,. lool i don't have that font,.
Heath Ledger is better for his film, i couldn imagine him playin the one jack is in though so i guess they both suit the film they wer in.
i prefered Heath Ledger though!
squee666 Wrote:i would reply but your font is so fucking annoying i don't bother reading your posts

* feinicks wonders if that makes a difference...Specky

lol! too bad! I likes it!
heath ledger, but his movie had a better joker role for him to act... the real test would be to see if jack could come back and play the joker in the dark knight...
Heath Ledger hands down. Sorry Jack.
HEATH For the win i mean come on he doesn't look as flamboyant and he also brings out the darkest side of the joker
heath ledger, hands down.
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