30/03/2016, 10:07 PM
0x1FF84 - Unlock Table SubCategory organization 2700 => 0000
0x54BC0 - 0x54DF0 Table SubCategory
Then, immediately following - on/off icons.
See the names of the icons in the topmenu_icon.rco
For example, 1seg: icons DS, DX, EC.
0x1FF84 - Unlock Table SubCategory organization 2700 => 0000
0x54BC0 - 0x54DF0 Table SubCategory
Then, immediately following - on/off icons.
See the names of the icons in the topmenu_icon.rco
For example, 1seg: icons DS, DX, EC.
FE030000 => FF070000 - All regions (FF), all models (07).
08000000 => FFFFFFFF - Enable for All.
Opened 1 Seg, T-DMB, Comic Reader, x-Radar Portable, Skype, and Digital Comics in "Game" )))
PSP-1004 (Europe) FAT, 6.61 Infinity.