Endless Paradigm

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ok so recently i decided i want to buy a camera and i need help picking a good camera in my price range

im looking for a camera between the prices of 150-200 so if any one knows a good camera please let me know :D

EDIT: http://www.amazon.com/Fujifilm-FinePix-B...949&sr=1-1

how is this camera?
Well I don't see why it comes with a sensor cleaning kit, it's not a dSLR.

So you don't come in contact with the sensor unless you open it up.
Looks like one of those good old point-and-shoots that look like an SLR.

I have heard good from the fugi film ones though.
do u know of any ones that are good in that price range besides that one diego?
you could try Sony H series
or the nikon p80

theyr also SLR-like format


meh.. checked amazon

sony cams are much more expensive compared to yours

double you tee eff...

i guess i didnt help :p
boogschd Wrote:you could try Sony H series
or the nikon p80

theyr also SLR-like format


meh.. checked amazon

sony cams are much more expensive compared to yours

double you tee eff...

i guess i didnt help :p

agree the Nikon p80 Madwin
i just check amazon and nikon p80 is 350 bucks i only have 200 :/
boogschd Wrote:you could try Sony H series
or the nikon p80

theyr also SLR-like format


meh.. checked amazon

sony cams are much more expensive compared to yours

double you tee eff...

i guess i didnt help :p

From experience. Sony P&S cams SUCK! so much noise and artifacts.
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