Endless Paradigm

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Can anyone shed any light on the CTF format ?

I mean as far as where the offsets are for the embedded rco, and prx files ??
Any info would be very useful for a CTF tool I am planning on making.


if u hex edit a ctf, u will find..

header+ptf+prx patch codes + resource file
Freeplay included source code with his unpacker,

Not sure if it's for the latest ctf format but maybe worth a check,


No CTFeditor!!!
fl0w Wrote:NOOOOO!!

No CTFeditor!!!

Why not ??
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:
fl0w Wrote:NOOOOO!!

No CTFeditor!!!

Why not ??

Oh wel, maybe it is oke. As long as you also update the flash0 part.

By the way: im gonna release a theme pack for XMBeditor soon :)
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