Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Rare Smudge Sig
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I barely ever use my smudge tool, so this is relatively rare to see me showing anyone a smudge sig. =/

[Image: okamisig.png]
Wow.  looks really nice.

Great work man  Madwin
awesome, smudge more often.
Slushba132 Wrote:id this a sumge?

id this a sumdge
I figured out after a google search, I was going to change it but your post makes me busted
neat.. I like it
"The chocolatetiest site on the internetz. Fudge off and die! UPDATE: OMFG this site has a PR2!!! Fuck man, it liek doesn't even deserve a PR. Google phails."

hahahahaha funniest google search ive seen
looks cool man :D
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