Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [SM MF] - Logo Request
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i sort of need a logo for my theme (SM)

The logo should have Multiple images. (due to some Effects I'll add to it)

1st - The Name "Mecha Factory" in some sort of awesome font graphics thing.
2nd - Cog wheels (dark type - required to rotate)
i may do this. ^^

what exactly do you want in the logo? some sort of shape/person/object :3
what font would you like?
and what size?
Shape|design|font: it would have to be something Mechanical. (like the doom logo, but all one color... a grey would do.)
Size: Less than 640 across. something in the range of 350-460 is good.

i will also need a resized (smaller) version of the same logo.
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