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QJ.NET Wrote:If you've been having trouble trying to run Dailymotion videos off PSPTube or its modified version, then you might be interested to know that a new patch from homebrew developer Walar now has a working script for the online video streaming site.

Entitled "PSPTube++", this modified version of the homebrew flash video player is based on PSPTube 20080224 from SofiyaCat. A patched copy for the JavaScript code designed to run Dailymotion has been included in the new bundle and should play videos from the site just fine.

For a more detailed look into the new JavaScript code, you can visit the xtreamlua forums and check out the thread where the developer discusses the patch. The site is in French though, so you might need to run it through an online translator to get the gist of the discussion.

Download: PSPTube++
Lets see if this is better Madwin

Source: http://pspupdates.qj.net/PSPTube-include...aid/122880
Original Source: http://xtreamlua.com/modules.php?name=Fo...pic&t=3980
super psptube Madwin http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=148284
I actually like the versions of psptube without the javascripts youtube was much faster to browse and load.
...I thought wee were fixing veoh.
Now wee have to do daily motion too?
screw daily motion Erk i wants veoh, apparently this is only a javascript...
by the way, just changing the url in the js won't work, this dude is working on a tut, i want him to finish!!!!!
I could take another look at the veoh, but what should wee prioritize?
Tittle searching or using veoh's ability to search all sites?
i think veoh does search all vids, just by tags...
Psp tube only displays native veoh results
tarter sauce
so what should wee fix first? Having it show all videos or searching titles along with tags?
i think searching by name will help you find more videos, so even if it searches all of them, you will only see those from the tag, i vote name search...
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