MICk3Y Wrote:i have to walk 25 minutes to get home in +110 degrees, lucky me right?
lol try working out in the same tempature like i do for 10 hours a day 7 days a week.. i go to work a few hours before the sun comes up so wee don't have to be in the heat as long plus i get off work really early... ill trade places with ya!! i guarentee ya straight A's lol.. as long i go sober LOL.. i never went to school sober... i was always messed up on diazepam or alprazolam or both.... i hated school so that how i dealt with it
MICk3Y Wrote:So i just finished my first day in high school, and its a lot better than middle school. the two classes im actually interested in are computer applications, and intro to tech. i spent all my lunch getting my locker
and the schedule they gave me was wrong, like all the class rooms were wrong, and i already got in a fight.. yup, that's how high school is going to be i guess....
That's high school for you. People in the offices are lazy, and there's always the fudgeer out there to screw you over. Just watch your back and pass all your classes the first time around. Not cool to be in there for 5-6 years being known as the "super-senior".. hehe.
I found highschool to be a lot better that middle school.
Uni's even better. They don't give a poo poo what you do in uni at all. You can not go to a single lecture, tutorial or anything, not do a single piece of work, and they won't say a thing (Although I would suggest against doing that, as it will likely cause you to fail the course, and repeating is expensive). And the other students also don't give a poo poo about what you do either, what you wear, how you act, whatever. But stuff is a lot harder though, and that's a bad thing.
Meh, middle and primary was the worst. Primary school was like "you are not allowed to eat inside the building during lunch". but at the same time, "you are not allowed to be outside unless you have a hat". Combine the two together, and you get "if you don't have a hat, you are fucked" (= you end up in detention). Like what lame shit is that?!? And you dance the chicken dance, and hokey pokey and that poo poo like few times every week. That pissed me off no end as well. Ok, I like how primary school was mostly a waste of time stuffing around all day, and there's no serious work and pressure, but I prefer to enjoy the time I wasted. If I'm going to hate it (dance chicken dance), I'll rather do work, because then at least I get something out of doing (hating) it.
...HA HA HA sucker
stuck in school, I've been home all day
I seriously like high school better, so much more freedom...
I seriously like home better, so much more freedom...
I wish I was home schooled.
not home schooled just home
school hasn't started yet
MICk3Y Wrote:[color=black]So i just finished my first day in high school, and its a lot better than middle school. the two classes im actually interested in are computer applications, and intro to tech. i spent all my lunch getting my locker
and the schedule they gave me was wrong, like all the class rooms were wrong, and i already got in a fight.. yup, that's how high school is going to be i guess....
I don't know how it's better so far, unless your middle school life was really so much crapper.