Do you like Cheese?
If the answer is Yes - tell us what your favorite is.
If the answer is No - Get the fudge out!

Mozzarella, Cheddar and Feta(Phetta) Cheese.
Brie + Triscuits =

...You remind me of a girl I knew.
She was always talking about cheese and potatoes.
She named her bag Alfredo and drew a block a cheese on him. On the otherside she wrote "I'm a potato".
she also made a "petition" of people that would like to be potatoes
Slushba132 Wrote:...You remind me of a girl I knew.
She was always talking about cheese and potatoes.
She named her bag Alfredo and drew a block a cheese on him. On the otherside she wrote "I'm a potato".
she also made a "petition" of people that would like to be potatoes

...fine then I like swiss, american and kaiser
I also like a crapload of cheeses but I can't even begin to remember or pronounce half of them.
My dad always buys different cheeses to have with his wine and a lot of them are really good with really funny names
Stilton, Haloumi, Parmesan, Mozzerella, Gorgonzola, Brie and basically all blue cheeses and loadsssss moreeeee.
Yes... Any kind that isn't smelly