Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [VOTING] WOTW #2 - Anime
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Pages: 1 2
Delayed, but with positive outcome.

Fantastic entries here - so make sure you make your vote count! Madwin

~ Senseito Sakura

Disqualified Entries

Tetris999 - 1024x640 is below the minimum resolution (1024x768)
no poll
he's making it...
no competition what so ever.. clear clear winner..
cg got my vote...

Most looked like render stuck in front of some scene or graphics...
R!KKU Inluv it.. Madwin unique, and all self made.
R!KKU gets my vote Madwin
R!KKU yours rocks!!!^^
Dam i Really like the Splat System it looks awesome. but i voted for rikku's since its self made
Synth Wrote:Dam i Really like the Splat System it looks awesome. but i voted for rikku's since its self made

Poll Title Wrote:Poll: Which is the best looking Wallpaper?
Pages: 1 2
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