I took me 29 trys to get them all
First try, 32 turns.
2nd try, 27 turns.
Double postThird level. Tried really hard to do well, the game took like 20 minutes of thinking. O.O
24 turns!
EDIT: there is a bug in the forums. If u double post, and have attachments for both posts, the seconds set of attachments don't turn up :(
4th level: 27 moves :( not as good as previously.
Attachments are for the previous win.
My new goal is to win in less than 20.
In 20, that's gonna be hard. The most i got it to was in 26 try's right now.
Blame DenisT_T for the bug... >_>
Might make 20 this time. Might even make eighteen.
See attachment.
I'm going to think ages on this one, and try to cover most of the possibilities, so don't wait on it.
Oh, i didn't actually spend THAT long on this question (for the people who noted the time between this and the last post) My dad needed to fill in some form on the internet, and so i had to let him do that, which took like most of the time.
Nah, the above situation had no chance of 20. It takes at least 22 moves in all possible ways. :(
See attachment. (2 moves before the win)
Well, that's only my 5th time. not too bad...
im always bad at flash games compared to other ppl :P i never get addicted to them though (not worth it, chocolatety games)