Well my boss is driving me crazy, so I need a couple simple fixes to this. She wants me to work on a site for her (its ongoing), and wants the site to show up on search engines. Yes, I know I have to edit metatags, and do all that. It takes a lot of time since she wants all the freaking cities in Delaware [done], Florida, and New Jersey. Ok fine, just pretend you're doing something and it shows up. Well, unfortunately search engines aren't my strong suit, and I done told her that you just have to wait, and get popular. But, I still have to do this, and eventually the whole of the United States. >.>
So, two things. Is there an easy way in which I can do this and still have the site indexed how they want it? "Up there"? And the other thing, am I right when I say that it takes patience, and time and eventually you will get up there? I just need the one way to do this.. (Without getting me fired)
Tch. Ideas?
^that's a start :P
and taken from this site's code
<!-- Our SEO tricks - we inflate some keywords to get teh Search Engines and artificially make EP look better than it is -->
<div style="display: none;">
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Kaiser Provides.
how much you getting paid??
Nacos Wrote:how much you getting paid??
it must be enough for him to not say f
uck this sh
For this bullchocolate, idk. Didn't get my pay yet >.>
For every other site I can do - $75 each.
Ill do one for $50.. tell me what you need I'll deliver you paypal me the cash.
Nacos Wrote:Ill do one for $50.. tell me what you need I'll deliver you paypal me the cash.
I'll think about that when bosslady gets off her lazy arse and calls me for something.
If you get really desperate, (really really desperate)
I'll bail you out and help for free
Slushba132 Wrote:If you get really desperate, (really really desperate)
I'll bail you out and help for free
Give me your number. When the time comes later on, I'll call.

demonchild Wrote:For this bullchocolate, idk. Didn't get my pay yet >.>
For every other site I can do - $75 each.
wow my dad was bein charged over €1000 over here for his site so i made it 4 him instead!!