Endless Paradigm

Full Version: How do >you< pronounce Desu?
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("di" like in dim).

I know it's wrong, but that's how I've always said it from the start, amd I guess just never bothered fixing my ways.
When I talk with sparker or say it without anything I usually pronounce it desu because that's how the girl from rozen maiden says it.
But usually if I am typing japanese (Kono Neko kawaii desu)
I usually pronounce it des. Someone said it is ruder but I've heard it said that way and sometimes it sounds better.

Like so des ka and so des
just sounds better that so desu ka? and so desu...

but that's just me
[Image: desu.gif]
"deh su"
Sparker Wrote:[Image: desu.gif]

で す
で あります

actually desu is short for de arimasu
and I believe the u on the end of arimasu is silent which is why it is more common to hear
dess, the u is silent most of the time, but if your tring to be cute say like desu
dess when speaking
de-sue when reading.
de-su/dess depending on situation
des-ooooooooooooooooooohhooooohoohoo*choke*oohoohoo hohohohohohohoho, oh wait, this ain't xmas...
R!KKU Wrote:day sue
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