Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Request] Zoro Sig
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Could someone make me a sig using this render? I'm loving One Piece atm and I would really love if someone can make one for me. I would offer E.pigs but I don't even have enough to change my user title :/. I'll love you forever instead <3
[Image: Roronoa_Zoro_Render_09--KZKGGaaras_.png]
Blingeye Pleeaassee
ill try it but b warned.... i sucks donkey!!!
[Image: 30mc1mc.jpg]

here ya go is that ok??
Inluv Thanks J'adore. Just make him look bad donkey. Cause he is [Image: 099_.gif]

Edit: I really like it!!! I'm adding it with the chocolatety cook now!!!!
cool man!! glad i could help!!!
if ya dnt like it i can try again if ya want...
J'adore le paissons Wrote:cool man!! glad i could help!!!
if ya dnt like it i can try again if ya want...

No honest I like it! XDMadwinMadwinMadwin
sorry man the quality of that last sig is rele startin 2 bug me lol!!!
use this one instead :D
[Image: 2z3w3f8.jpg]
its higher quality :)
Why don't you save it as a png?
lmao idk i jus aint thinkin lmao...
[Image: i1i8ox.png]
Pages: 1 2
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