Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Holy Weeds
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[Image: weeds.jpg]


Yesterday, I watched the TV show Weeds for the first time ever.... EVER!  Being a pot smoker myself you would think I have at least seen this TV show before, or even know what's it about (Other then weed) but nope.  I watched the first episode of the first season and feel in love!  Really I did.  I have not been this into a TV series in a long time (Last one being the first season of 24 if I recall)  I have been missing this great TV show for the last 4 years!  but its alright, yesterday, last night and today I have finished seasons 1, 2 and 3!  And holy fudge i was glued to my computer and ninja video (Thanks RonJon) for the last 13 hours!  No joke, its CrAZy!!!!

but sadly, i can't get season 4 to stream .?.?.?.?  I streamed seasons 1 2 3 but 4 won't for some reason???  But its all good.  Im downloading it now as wee speak and can't wait! This show is so good, i may have to get showtime.  lol yeah right. interwebz For the win.

and I may have to ask team pod for a new weeds avatar and sig combo


What am i saying?  this show is great! even if you don't smoke pot I bet you still like it.  So if you havnt seen it yet.  What are you waiting for?  Go watch it.
Yeah man i watch this show too!

missed an episode last week thought it was vacation,. got to watch 2 episodes yesterday!!(RLSLOG did not post weeds last week,. )

by the way that's an old picture,. ;p
Never heard of it...

I am 10mins through the 1st episode right now :P
I know its an old picture, i just like it i guess.  I am trying to find Season4 E02 right now :P
Good so far!! :P On ep 3 now :D
Watch them all!
lol I will!!!
Yeah I have watched all episodes up-to-date so far...Got to love Showtime...: )

Another good show on Showtime is Dexter ! ! !

I like that show A LOT ! ! !
OMG this show just makes me want a spliff right now!!!!
lol ya its great... lmao at this part in the first season:
Source: YouTube

pity it doesn air here :(
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