Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My first vector art!
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started to vector yesterday..mccabe forced me to do so :p
no seriously, i did it voluntary!

anyways pictures say more than a thousand words, so here wee go:

Spoiler for "Stock pic":
[Image: 2qwpzcp.jpg]
my Vector:
[Image: zui2yq.jpg]

remember that this was my VERY first vector ever.. teached everything myself in about 30 seconds!
got into the flow after i finished the stockings hehe..

oh and overall i think i spend about 6 hours on it..

hope you like it :> maybe i wil do some more in the future, but it is a crapload of work.. meh
Again wow
For a first vector that's amazing it took me like months to get to the stage >.<!
shh your vectors are über-ace :>

thank you : )
holy spoon that's incredible mythos!

the detail on the skirt and shirt is amazing O_O
HOLY Spoon!!!
i forgot her second arm O_O
but i need some sleep now first..

Im on my iPod..

Oh thank you mc cabe :)
lol realllllllly nice!!!!!

Peoples are all stating vectors :P
since it IS a vector, i'd like to see a 1600~px Version of it~
damn! O_O

nice for a first. ;3
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