Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [5.00m33][ElfenLied]
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UPDATE 30 July 2008:- New 8 second gameboot thanks to Subtilus for idee and fixxed remote control!
UPDATE 31 July 2008: Go!messenger freeze fixxed
                                            new scroll for folders in submenu and new bootsound!

now i really hope its ok now,. ;p
will be updating and reuploading other theme's also,.
* xero1 Inluv this

Very nice!! Madwin

Source: YouTube

xero1 Wrote:* xero1 Inluv this

Very nice!! Madwin

Source: YouTube


the one version you captured,. is an old version,. redownload and you will see,. the update's are  in the topic,. ;)

Mostly i use ""Black Lagoon" theme,. but often switch with "Elfen lied"
Elfen Lied updated! :)

Hiding_something Adore
Hot damn good job there buddy!!!!!
SchmilK Wrote:Hot damn good job there buddy!!!!!

did you did you ,.. did you see the busy icon in action!! did you!!?

i am trying to find the same for the y axxis in the imagebut no luck,. lol if,. /,,.>> busy icon 128x128,. ;p there are so many new offsets to be found now!!
Updated commongui and musicPlayer bookmark lists,.

in need for a bookmarkList offset sorter!!!
i did see the busy!!!!  VERY VERY NICE

Vegetano1 Wrote:in need for a bookmarkList offset sorter!!!

i have poked the idea at davee previously...should be something a programmer could do rather easily :-/
Could you please remove the Tv :(
I like to throw my useless icons in there since it doesn't let me hide my icons for some reason ._.

i Have updated my psp and the Theme. but the theme works not correctly. Nanana

The design pictures - don't work all.
my PSP freeze when im go to Videos

this failure come only by this theme.

ps. nice work thank for theme Hero

can you make a custom theme with themepicture from my girlfriend and my favorite pictures? i don't understand thememakers Erk

please tell me on my MSN or Email: Subtilus@live.de

mfg Subtilus
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